Facial Recognition Based Attendance Capturing
in progress
There is a need of Attendance / Punchin Via Facial recognition mechanism.
To eliminate facial recognition based biometric and mark attendance based in user authenticity , many companies ask for picture before Punchin.
Recently there came one client who wanted to have 2000 users onboarded on our system but they wanted to Capture the punchin via camera of the mobile to ensure its the same person whose credentials are been used to login.
The scenarion for client works in below manner :
1 tablet Given to 20 or 30 Set of users. Users are forced to use thier tablet's Camera.
Now these users do field visit at different areas across maharashtra .
While punch in , we need to validate using facial recognition while punchin . So the face will be tagged to that user account and punch will be validated.
Now this use case can eliminate physical Facial recognition based machines .
in progress